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US TRADEMARKS 美国商标 A US Trademark gives its owner the right to stop other businesses from using that trademark. It is the most important part of a brand name. 美国商标能在别家公司盗用商标时,给予商标拥有者阻止盗用商标的公司的法定权利。 它会成为创造一个有力的品牌的最重要的部分。 A registered US Trademark is the strongest form of a US Trademark. It arises from a US Trademark application. This gives rights in both federal and state courts. 美国商标局注册的商标时最有利的商标。它从申请美国商标开始。联邦政府以及州政府都给予它应有的权利。 Trademark rights of other kinds arise from use of the trademark in commerce. These rights can be enforced in US courts. 其他的商标权利能从使用某个商标的过程中获得。这些权利能通过法院执行。 Having a US Trademark application gives a right of priority to file trademark applications in other countries. This can be very valuable. 拥有美国商标让您在申请其它国家的商标时给您优先权。这可能会很珍贵。 HOW TO GET A US TRADEMARK 如何获得美国商标 We help companies get US Patents and US Trademarks. 我们帮助公司获得美国专利和美国商标 The information we need: 我们需要的资料: the trademark name; 商标的名称 the company name which will own the trademark; 将会拥有该商标的公司名称 the name of an officer of the company who can sign the trademark application; and 该公司中一位能够签名商标申请表的员工的名字 if the trademark has been used in international commerce, or if there is an intent to use it in the future (either one is acceptable). 该商标可曾在国际贸易中使用,或是否有打算在未来使用该商标(其中一个皆可) What we do: 我们做什么: We conduct a simple trademark search to see if the trademark is already in use. We will suggest alternative names if necessary. 我们会事先搜查该专利是否已被注册。若有需要,我们会提供其他建议。 We prepare a trademark application for signature by an officer of the company which will own the trademark. 完成一个的专利申请表供公司的员工签名。 When we receive the signed trademark application, we file it with the US Trademark Office together with the US government filing fee. 当我们收到您寄回来的申请表时,我们会将其和申请费用一起呈交给美国商标局。 We report the official serial number to you, and all other future communications received from the US Trademark Office. 我们会将商标的正式号码交给您,并协调所有美国专利局与您的联系。 We respond to official communications from the US Trademark Office, if such response is necessary. 在需要的情况下,我们会代替您跟美国专利局沟通。 WHY IT IS NECESSARY TO HAVE A US TRADEMARK ATTORNEY 为什么需要美国商标律师 A foreign corporation cannot file a US Trademark application except through a US attorney who is appointed as a “domestic representative.” 律法规定,外国企业只可以通过美国律师申请美国商标。该律师会成为公司在美的‘当地代表’。 Our trademark applications will include the necessary appointment of attorney, and the necessary appointment of domestic representative. 我们的商标申请表会附带所需要的律师指定表以及指定律师为当地代表的表格。 We help with all of the above items: 我们可以帮助您完成以上的所有步骤: We can help you make a distinctive trademark. 我们能帮助您获得一个独特的商标。 We can prepare and file a US trademark application. 我们能完成并呈交美国商标申请。 We can explain every step in advance, in English or Chinese. 我们能事先详细解释每一步骤,中英文皆可。 Please see our English language pages for more information. 详细信息,请看我们的英文网页。 |